Look What We Are Doing

Medical Mission – Honduras  2021

I went into healthcare for selfish reasons. My passion is to help people specifically women. That is a cliqué; but it is very true in my case. My personal healthcare journey lead me to one of the most rewarding adventures of my life so far. In the fall of 2021, I had an opportunity to join a talented group of healthcare providers (doctors, nurses, surgical techs and volunteers) from Illinois, Texas, Arkansas and Tennessee; on a medical mission to Honduras in South America. This was my 3rd mission trip, but my first surgical-medical mission.

We were a part of the Baptist Medical and Dental Mission International (BMDMI) team who traveled together to this beautiful country to perform much needed surgeries such as abdominal and vaginal hysterectomies, removal of ovarian masses, bladder and prolapse surgeries and laparoscopic tubal- ligations. Thirty-five surgeries were performed in 4 days; we had only 3 operating rooms to work with. The women we helped waited many months to years to get their care. They traveled many hours to get to the city to see the gynecologist.

The first day of the trip; the MD saw 50 women and had to identify which women were candidates for surgery. The first three (3) nights after the major surgeries were performed, the Honduran women stayed overnight at the hospital for recovery. Every woman was released in less than 24 hours with a bag full of supplies that were provided by my church Faith Temple Church of God in Christ. The expenses for the supplies were paid for by my employer The Woods Women’s Group.

I am Grateful to The Woods Women’s Group for allowing me the opportunity to serve this group of women in Honduras. It is a continued depiction of the dedication of service provided by them not only to the women of Lake County Illinois but also around the world.

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  • Photo of A Patient and Medical Staff — Park City, IL — The Woods Women's Group

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  • Medical Staffs — Park City, IL — The Woods Women's Group

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  • Medical Staff Assisting Patient in Hospital Stretcher — Park City, IL — The Woods Women's Group

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  • Picture of A Medical Staff— Park City, IL — The Woods Women's Group

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Honduras 2022

Giving back and being grateful is what it’s all about!

Once again, this fall, I participated with the Baptist Medical and Dental Mission International (BMDMI) in a healthcare mission serving women in Honduras. The team of 21 healthcare personnel included gynecologists, an anesthesiologist, certified nurse anesthetists, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, surgery technicians, volunteers and interpreters from 4 states. This year was unique in that one of my sons; interested in possibly pursuing a career in medicine, accompanied us. This was an invaluable experience for him.

31 surgeries were performed in 4 days. The surgeries included abdominal and vaginal hysterectomies, bladder slings and many laparoscopic procedures.

Additionally, this year, our team went into the village to distribute clean water and snacks to the children in the community. The Woods Women’s Group provided lab coats and scrubs for the BMDMI clinic along with monetary donations that was used to bring supplies like: sanitary pads, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand sanitizers and clothing.

Many thanks and kudos to The Woods Women’s Group who continues to take care of women both locally and internationally.

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